Clare Lyons

Artist Talks as part of the Healing Through Photography Conference with Belfast Exposed

April 3rd + 4th

Clare Lyons (b.1993) is a visual artist and photographer working between Dublin and Belfast. She holds an MFA in Photography from the Belfast School of Art. 

Clare’s practice finds its concern in the tactile nature of the photographic image. Emphasising the materiality of the photograph, she explores themes of memory, trauma and her personal struggles with mental illness. Considering the photograph as an object is integral to Clare's practice, and she has strived to develop methodologies which seek to draw attention to this through crafting, experimental printmaking, and working with an alternative approach to photographs. Often, for Clare, the image is not "enough" and additional interventions must be made with, to, or upon the surface of the image to tease out the difficult topics explored in her work. Clare’s practice tracks an autobiographical narrative where the artist has built a visual language to express the inexpressible. She is motivated by the hope to achieve catharsis through creating and making, and also to encourage a more healthy conversation surrounding the deeply personal themes which arise in her work. 

Clare was one of five Irish Talents selected by PhotoIreland for the FUTURES European Photography Platform in 2021, and in 2022 represented Ireland at 'Visage(s) d'Europe' curated by Collectif Fetart in Paris. Clare is a studio artist at the Emerging Artist Hub in Flax Art Studios, Belfast.