

MFA Interim Online Exhibition

11 - 22 January 2021

The final year student body of Ulster University’s MFA program present a digital and online collaborative project with Catalyst Arts for their annual interim exhibition. The exhibition will take place over two weeks, with artists split into two groups; E-Quadrant 1 and E-Quadrant 2. The exhibition will be physically installed in the MFA studio in the university, with virtual tours available to book on Thursday and Friday of each week.

The tours were carried out by the student artists, where visitors could virtually experience the gallery space through a live stream, receiving a unique insight to the installed works and first hand walkthrough developed by the artists themselves.

The E-Quadrant web page can be found here for information, documentation and you can buy a copy of the exhibition zine through a secure pay zone.

Artists include: Landi Kirkwood, Emily Esdale, Katrīna Tračuma, Oonagh McAteer, Lauren Ciara McCullough, Valanti Athanasiou, Drydan Wilson, Declan Coyle, Susan Hughes, NokuLunga Mazibuko.