She Speaks

AMINI 2017 Festival of Artist Moving Image

Friday 29th September / 2.30pm / The MAC, Belfast

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For their first festival showcase of artist moving image work, Artist Moving Image Northern Ireland (AMINI) asked Catalyst to curate a special screening, entitled ‘She Speaks’.  ‘She Speaks’ is a selection of film and moving image works produced by women artists, from 1968 to present. In different ways each artist and film-maker explores the transformation and (mis) interpretations of domestic routines, objects, images and narratives, translated whilst simultaneously subverting their symbolic meaning and reconfiguring female representation.

Screening Selection:

‘Saute Ma Ville’ (1968) – Chantal Akerman, (13 mins)

‘Chiara Fumai reads Valerie Solanas’ (2016) – Chiara Fumai, (10 mins)

‘After Picasso, God’ (2016) – Sophie Cundale, (42 mins)

For full festival programme  and more details about AMINI click here.


Chantal Akerman (1950 – 2015) was an internationally renowned Belgian filmmaker and a key figure in European experimental cinema.   Her 1975 film ‘Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles’ is considered a keystone of feminist filmmaking.  She participated in Documenta XI (2002), Venice Biennale (2001) and was a jury member at the 51st Berlin International Film Festival.  Major retrospectives of her work have been held at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (2003), MIT, Massachusetts (2008) and the Museum for Contemporary Art, Antwerp (2012).

Chiara Fumai (1978 – 2017) was an Italian artist based in Milan and then Brussels until her death earlier this year.  Her video-performances and multimedia installations deal with ideas around radical feminism, media culture, anarchism and the occult.  Exhibitions and performances have been presented at CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid (2015), Whitechapel Gallery, London (2014), De Appel Arts Center, Amsterdam (2014) and Documenta XIII, Kassel (2012).

Sophie Cundale (b.1987) is an artist based in London.  Her film ‘After Picasso, God’ (2016) was co-commissioned by Serpentine Galleries and South London Gallery.  Recent work has been presented at Temporary Gallery, Cologne (2016), Spike Island, Bristol  (2016), Peckham Plex, London (2016) and Govett-Brewster, New Zealand (2016).

*Image credit: Saute Ma Ville (1968) – Chantal Akerman