Speechless Action
Sarah Boulton, Maïto Jobbé duval, Kate Murphy

20 June – 18 July 2019


Speechless Action features a collection of newly developed work by artists Sarah Boulton, Maïto Jobbé duval and Kate Murphy. The exhibition is interested not just in the individual works, which span video, drawing, printed matter and writing, but in their layout, contextual sense and relationship to the viewer. This attitude is shared by much of the work, where the context of an action or narrative or image holds as much attention as the actions, words and images do themselves. The works explore a development of meaning through juxtaposition, sequence and series, and an interest in how information, in the widest sense, relates. They also share a relationship to the readymade: situations or narratives, actions, images and moving images that exist in the world already but are seen and transformed through a shift in their presentation or backdrop, whether through storytelling, poetry or editing.


Sarah Boulton (b. 1989) is based in Mid Wales. She graduated from Slade School of Art in 2015 and has recently presented her work with Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, Camden Arts Centre, London, Caraboo Projects, Bristol, Rhubaba Gallery, Edinburgh, Cell Project Space, London, Patara Gallery, Tbilisi, Best British Poetry Anthology, Danarti Magazine and Tender Journal. Her first collection of poetic texts will be published near the end of 2019 by Care of Time. 

Zinc Violet Documentation, 2018 is courtesy Mason’s Yard, London and Alice MacCabe and Polly Wright.


Maïto Jobbé duval (b. 1985) is an artist and theatre designer based in London. For this exhibition she presents extracts of a larger ongoing narrative based work drawing on the framework of the graphic novel. Past shows and performances include: It’s not the digging it’s the dirt, Dirt Space, London 2016, Transforming, Dyson Gallery, London 2015, Artists’ Realities, Claustro Sor Juana, Mexico DF 2015, Familiar Distances, The Little Gallery, Calgary Canada 2014. Maïto studied at Camberwell College of Arts and The Royal College of Art, both in London.


Kate Murphy was born in Belfast, 1989 and is based in Norwich. She studied Foundation Diploma in Art and Design at Ulster University 2007-2008 and BA Fine Art (Sculpture) at Norwich University College of the Arts 2008-2011, and did an Erasmus exchange at Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste Karlsruhe, Germany. Exhibitions of the work include VIDEO, PAINTINGS (with Russell Osborne) 13a, Norwich 2015, OUTPOST Members Show selected by Lynda Morris and Chris Rawcliffe, Norwich 2016, Soft Ramp, Gildengate House, Norwich 2016, Blumen, Unthank Artspace, Norwich 2017 and Index, Piper Keys, London 2019.

Photography by Simon Mills.

Kindly supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.

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