The Best Way Out Is Always Through
Adam Hussain, Lynne McBride, Jake Watts

Curated by EMBASSY Gallery, Edinburgh at Catalyst Arts, Belfast
19 July – 16 August 2018


“The Best Way Out is Always Through” seeks to assume the form of an open framework for knowledge exchange and production. Adopting the possibilities granted by the inclusion of a working open-source CNC router in the space, this framework will adopt three items of functional furniture as points of departure; a library, table & chairs will be fabricated in-situ using the CNC router. Scotland based artists Adam HussainLynne McBride and Jake Watts, have been invited to produce new cross-disciplinary work in response. Opportunities for engagement, in the form of readings, workshops, performances and live fabrication seminars, will take place throughout the duration of the programme.

Adam Hussain works between improvisation, video and poetic text. He considers his work at the junction between somatic dance thinking and the ancient movement practices of Sufi ritual. His artistic inquiry focuses on the body as the site for experimentation through processes of questioning, exploring how one might occupy liminal spaces. He currently resides in Edinburgh and helps co-choreograph live site-specific installations as part of his artistic contribution to Edinburgh-based Improvisation collective, I.M.P.

Lynne McBride is an Edinburgh based artist and educator whose work often considers artist led archives. She recently completed the AIR Tech Residency at the Edinburgh college where she began a project inviting HND Contemporary Art Practice students to engage with and create responses to Artist led archives around Scotland. To date, these have included: GENERATOR projects, Embassy Gallery, and Market Gallery.

Jake Watts is an artist who is also currently a practice-based PhD Candidate at the University of Edinburgh researching ‘Workshops: Investigating and Developing Participatory Environments for Artistic Learning’. Jake is also a member of Shift/Work
