What The Fuck Is This Then?

What the fuck is this then? is an entirely virtual presentation of serial works, commissioned by Catalyst Arts. During this time of transition and change for the organisation as we prepare to move premises, this project openly rejects a physical space that demands congregation and participation in collective forms. No white walls to sanitise and paint to replenish, no doors forced opened under funding requirements, no time limits and visiting hours, no underpaid (or not paid at all) invigilators waiting out the day. Does a gallery provide adequate comfort and pleasure to the viewers and visitors, or would they rather have been offered the opportunity to engage at their own pace, in their own place, and show up later without the FOMO?

The artists have been invited to embrace the potential of disseminating work online, returning engagement to the everyday accessibility of internet based spaces in information exchange, entertainment and recreation. We invite you to explore and enjoy something from your bed, the bus stop, the office, the park, the loo, the bath or anywhere you may feel safe and ready. Join the multiple spaces that are rounded and soft at the edges, without the cold gallery lights and formalities that aren’t secretly mining your data, emptying jars of cookies onto your devices, or constantly seeking your attention.


A Recipe for Navigating the Future

18.11.21 - 18.02.22

Click here to see

Aoibheann Brady

A Recipe for Navigating the Future is a guide to approaching and exploring what is next. Our futures are in a constant state of change. A multitude of elements that act upon us every day are moulding and altering what is next.

This recipe explains how to accept and embrace these liquid and ever-morphing possibilities. To create this recipe the methods, language and processes of making bread have been adapted and applied to each step. Bread in the past has been seen as utopian and used as symbols of modernity and hope. During the process of making bread, the dough is constantly morphing and changing. Elements such as heat, bacteria and time affect the outcome of the bread and create an individual loaf each time.

A Line of Tiny Soaps

Part 2 : 07.12.21 Part 1 : 21.12.21

Click here to listen

Lucie McLaughlin

Imagine yourself here, the night all scattered around you.

 A Line of Tiny Soaps is an audio work built from text, field recording and sounds. Listening returns to indeterminacy and the night, landing in time for the winter solstice. Part 2 will be released first on the 7th and Part 1 will follow on the 21st December, when the gradual closing in of darkness stops, reversing us out of the present, week, month and year.

 What would it be like to live inside one type of sound for a whole life?

Careful Not to Stare Careful Not to Look Away

21.01.22 - 18.02.22

Malachy Harvey

I fell through myself through my own body, through the floor, through floors below floors, through subbasements of mega subbasements, concrete, soil, rock water, chasms then chasms, heat impossible cold, I was there, I was no longer. Joy. Beside and above, beyond myself with everything other than what limited matter I had not been, You cannot describe it, you can only describe it, inadequate wise nods say nod, double nod, know pause, right.

Careful Not To Stare, Careful Not to Look Away, is a series of small works using printed matter, models and video, which are concerned with attention, distraction, and the demand to do two things at once.