Dress Up Drink And Draw

Dress Up Drink And Draw

Bedroom Pop at Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival

Thursday 28 April, 5-8pm


We’re excited to continue the Bedroom Pop celebrations with the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival! Dreambean is hosting a ‘dress up drink and draw’ at Catalyst Arts. The general public will be encouraged to queer the streets of Belfast, dress up as someone or in something that sparks joy, or simply dust off an old halloween costume.

Bedroom Pop is a colourful installation by Dreambean that explores childhood memories, identity and celebrates queer joy. Dreambean aims to create an inclusive space for everyone, they want the viewers to be curious and explore art through their immersive use of colour and humour.


The aim of this ‘dress up drink and draw’ is to allow the participants to become apart of Bedroom Pop and take on the role of the Artist by exploring the gallery space through a different identity. Dreambean believes that we have missed enough parties over the last few years and wants to take this opportunity to bring the community together through art and celebration!