Member of the Month | Lucie McLaughlin

We’re delighted to introduce Catalyst Arts’ Member of the Month - Lucie McLaughlin

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Lucie is a Belfast born artist, writer and critic, currently based in Glasgow.

She is interested in working across disciplines, exploring writing as studio practice and new and experimental forms of criticism. She often works with sound, moving image, drawing and performance.

Her research is grounded in thinking around the entangled relationship between world and word, where language and poetics are not limited to the page, but might become images and ideas, made unfamiliar by a collapse in distance between the ‘ordinary’ and the imaginative. Political atmospheres and socio-psychological states are explored in her work by embracing the oxymora of the creative and critical.

Her book, Suppose A Collapse, was released in May 2021 with JOAN, a new publishing project for interdisciplinary artists’ writing. The book arranges moments between two cities, each viewed through the lens of the other, intimately mapping the interiors of a fourth floor flat in Madrid and the childhood bedroom of a three-bed semi in Belfast. Autobiographical-fiction, prose poetry and essay combine to form a collection of texts informed by the movement between film and art criticism, lucidity and a fracturing present. 

Lucie is also one of the writers responding to Catalyst Arts’ current exhibition, And, if we observe the present.

Follow Lucie on Instagram at @herelucie and Twitter @herelucie_

santa eulalia del rio, hot drops of rain on a car in the sun.jpg

Image 1: Suppose A Collapse, 82 pages, JOAN Publishing, 2021

Image 2: Santa Eulalia del Rio (Hot Drops of Rain On A Car, In The Sun) pencil on paper, 2021