What The Fuck Is This Then? - Sign up!

What the Fuck is This Then?

What the Fuck is This Then? continues with Malachy Harvey, who is creating a postal and email art project, free for members and non members to receive.

If you’re interested, the link to the sign up sheet can be found here.

Deadline to sign up: 3 February

The postal project is entirely free, and open to anyone in the UK/Ireland/Europe to sign up. Your postal instalment will take about a week to arrive.

You can receive the digital counterpart instalment only by signing up to our newsletter on the main page of our website.

A wee reminder that Lucie McLaughlin’s “A Line of Tiny Soaps” audiowork is available to listen here and Aoibheann Brady’s “A Recipe for Navigating the Future” website is still up and running here.